The RNC Has No Principles.
The RNC Has No Principles.Even the idiots at MSNBC know, that the GOP has no principles now, if even they ever did.They're embracing the sodomite lifestyle, they're not speaking for unborn babies, anymore, they're keeping silent on the alleged, controversial issues. They're just a bunch of fucking fakes, perhaps, even more so now, than the democrats.
I tried to watch people who I know, who I once liked, but I couldn't get half way through any of the speeches. I'll be skipping Orangeman bad's speech too, since he's always, recycling his speeches. I wasn't inspired at all. I didn't feel any electricity, but I'm sure, that some of my affiliates, on social media, will claim to have done so. Some people just believe in the plan. I'm no longer that person.
Look around, there is no good news story here. This country is led by complete morons, who are enriching themselves, by robbing the people who work and produce. They're printing fake, paper, money and buying gold and silver with phony paper. The country has a debt, of thirty five, trillion dollars and they're still printing money. This fact, and the possibility of an eminent world war coming, is not the time for fanciful, fantastical, coping.#
JQ #
Zionism #
The_Plan #
Republican_Faggots #