Twitter Bows To EU & The LGBTQ.
Twitter Bows To EU & The LGBTQ.Everybody wants to hang with the cool kind to validate their existence, allegedly. I quit Twitter the first time those assholes decided that I couldn't have free speech and I haven't looked back. I'm still shitposting. There may be many million people on Twitter but I don't know that many people, nor could I keep up with all of them at any one time. The minute I left Twitter in 2020, I found new alternatives and freedom in most respects.
Those people complaining about Twitter should get no sympathy from the rest of us since nobody is forcing them to assemble there. At any rate, Twitter isn't a free speech platform anyway, it may have more free speech than Facebook and the other weirdo platforms out there but it's still being controlled, despite Elon Musk's bravado. Why else, would the people in charge, be implemented changes by stealth?Twitter is a white elephant, however, it seems to really get under the skin of people who perceive the public, of having too much free speech. Also there is a contingent which fears speech, that may hurt their feelings or expose their ignorance and stupidity. #
Twitter #
EU_Commission #
Global_Gay_Lobby #
Pronouns #
Pretense #
1A #