Biden The Unelectable Is Still POTUS.
Biden The Unelectable Is Still POTUS.On the surface, there doesn't seem to be any unconstitutionality, to what's going on. However, if the man isn't fit, to sit through, another election, what's he still doing in the White House, then? Shouldn't he be fucking off or something? Anyway, the big shot donors and big shot political elitists make the decisions, the Constitution be damned, after all, it's just a two hundred and forty eight, year old, piece of worthless paper.
Biden and his handlers, are holding on to power, for obvious reasons. One can speculate on what deals were made. Is Biden going to be a bitter loser and sabotage the Democrat ticket? Will he even attend the DNC, is he even invited? Who cares. This whole election is a fraud. The same machines used in 2020, will be used again. In many states, the same mechanisms used then, will be instituted this time around. Thirty million illegal aliens running around with fake identification, compounded with a fertile cheating field, give no assurances that US elections, aren't just a third world farce. However, don't let your lying eyes, ears, or gut instincts, fool you, suckers, just keep voting harder.
Election_Farce #
Biden #
Democrats #
Political_Elitists #
Voting_Harder #
Vanity #