Is Donald Trump aware that nobody in this world trusts the US? What Russia and China has is mutual respect and trust. Why would they give that up for a divide and conquer ploy? There is no change in US foreign policy.The US is just moving from one perceived enemy to the other. Why must China, Russia and Iran be our enemies? Why can't we mind our own business and take care of business at home. The US has lost every war in the last eighty years. It gives me no pleasure to say that. We do not do war well. What we did well once, was manufacturing, farming, food processing, tool making and making machines.Which incidentally, is what China and Russia are doing. Trump is deluded if he and his administration are focused on destabilizing China, Russia, Iran or North Korea. This is the same stupid policy which have been passed down from administration to administration. Nothing has changed and it's just more smoke, mirrors and ZOG control.
The US government’s talks with Russia are more about China than Ukraine. Donald Trump admitted he wants to “un-unite” Russia and China, in a reverse of the divide-and-conquer strategy used by Nixon and Kissinger in the 1970s.