Another Empire Bites The Dust.Right, the US isn't an empire, she just pretends to be one on TV. Well sometimes reality imitates art, with stunning results. It also doesn't help when the population becomes fat, complacent or apathetic, either. It certainly doesn't help when politicians and bureaucrats can be bought, by global interests.
However, here we are. People are too self righteous to even bother voting and when they do vote it's usually done in protest. People like those can hardly bother to complain, since it would seem, that they too, are part of the problem.
If the United States, isn't an Empire, then explain to me, all the military bases that surround her alleged enemies around the globe. Why do her politicians leave office, much richer than when they first began? Why does she interfere in the affairs of others, covertly and in some cases not so covertly, to alter situations, in her favor, the will of the people be damned?
American Paralysis and DeclineSocietal collapse isn't always due to a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophe. No sometimes they're planned and at the proper moment, executed by corrupt men.
Empires #
US #
Crime #
Invasion #
Catastrophe #
Globalism #
Open_Borders #
War #