Yeah, The West Never Kills Her Dissidents.That's right Putin, Xi, shills, only the meanies in the former USSR, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and whomever else the ruling elitists say are our enemies do that. Not here, no sir. Whose side are you people on, anyway?Lest We Forget The Tiananmen Square Massacre On This Day In 1989.Remember Waco, Texas? Remember Randy Weaver and the Weaver family? There's an extensive list of US dissidents that ended up, much the same way as those people, in Tiananmen Square, but we aren't supposed to remember that or indeed, set the missing pieces to complete the puzzle. An organized minority of elitists will always overcome the unorganized majority. Are we listening white people? It's probably a good time to get organized, perhaps, even in secret. Think about it.
Hoaxes #
Clown_World #
China #
Waco #
Ruby_Ridge #
Zionism #
The_Plan #
White_Genocide #
White_Replacement #
Deep_State #